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Computer Programming

Tangled Web Genetic Arts

"From Mind to Matter"

Pricing Key:

Complimentary - The first order of a complimentary listing is free. These may be relatively easy to make, or a specialty of our labs. Further orders will be priced as listed in the catalogue. One free hex per complimentary listing, per person.

Standard - The most basic pricing tier. We love all kinds of trades, so don't be afraid to make any kind of offer! Bred pets, hexed pets, stamps, images, stories, art, toys, playscenes, whatever you can think of! Anything goes for these hexes!

Luxury - More difficult to make or customize. As a result, we prefer to trade these

for other hexed or brexed pets, or long NIB lines. If unsure, see our wishlist

for ideas (or guaranteed trades!) All hexes are welcomed, beginner or advanced!

Outdated - Old creations, likely full of mistakes and odd creative choices. Always complimentary, so you can ask about them if you like... but our facilities certainly won't be offended if you don't!



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